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Donate for Lazarus 


Lazarus is worth being seen by anyone for his rareness he has as a rabbit, his looks and his moves.  In the futur, Lazarus could come in contant with other rare rabbits and that is good.  Of course if the other rabbits owner wants to mate him.


He is very cuddly and social with people. He likes being petted on his bely, he plays whith you and he ticles. He is very cunning and quick in play. Some times he is edgy, for instance when you don't give him food he fidgets. When you don't pay attention to him he holds a grudge (he is inteferent) and he puts on a face (he frets).  He likes to sit in the snow and the rain and splash in water.


He likes to have a bath with specific shampoo.  Hi realy likes after bathing, to get his fur dried up with a hair blower. He sits and likes it a lot.  You fix up his hair parted, or on the side, or back. He makes his hair on his own of course.  His fur is very thick, nice white with gray ears and snout. He has very fluffy fur.  He is like BUGS BUNNY!!

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